Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What's Wrong With Japanese People

Charles de Gaulle

is a structure of 400 meters in length, width and height of 5.40 18.20, with four lanes

SANTO DOMINGO .- The Government will open Wednesday the high Avenue Charles de Gaulle to San Isidro highway, a component of Duarte Corridor project. The inauguration was attended by President Leonel Fernández.

is a structure 400 meters long, 18.20 meters width and height of 5.40, with four lanes, two in each direction movement, which has a width of 3.65 meters, the Ministry of Public Works and Communications (MOPC).

The high was marked with paint thermoplastic and placed him galvanized metal poles that hold the lights.

construction company Norberto Odebrecht located below the design work in the form of polyhedra in concrete to prevent and peddlers chiriperos place and raise business houses in this area. While that the structure is placed handrails and walls in the center and sides.

Corridor project is headed Duarte Duarte Corridor Consortium, formed by the Brazilian company Norberto Odebrecht Engineering and Dominican star, under the coordination of the Ministry of Public Works .

Public Works Minister, engineer Victor Diaz Rua said that the projection is that the first part of the project is completed in 2012.

Meanwhile, the solutions are planned North-South Intersection major urban center.


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