Sunday, March 20, 2011

Eurosport Elliptical Comments

The past weekend I wanted to make cakes in miniature version. So I joined the cupackes fashion. You could say that these are first cousins \u200b\u200bof chocotorta because its essence is composed of the same ingredients: chocolate covered with a cream cheese spread and fresh milk.
These little delights are the perfect size for not cloying. If you do not feel like cooking, but eating, do not worry, I pass a figure that may solve the problem. In Uruguay, 1308, Federal Capital, is a bakery as well as being very nice offers a good variety of delicacies. called Smeterling and there may getting a delicious cupcakes with the same combination of flavors as well as many equally enticing and delicate.

Makes 12 cupcakes. Base: 80 grs
butter 2 / 3 cup sugar 1 egg

½ cup milk ¼ cup cream

1 teaspoon vanilla extract ½ cup
cocoa powder quality
1 and 1 / 3 cups self-rising flour

Preheat oven to 170 degrees. Beat in a blender at room temperature butter and sugar together until soft and thick and airy. Add the egg, also should be at room temperature. Then milk and cream. On the other hand, sift the flour and cocoa and gradually add to the mixture. Stir well with a spatula, making sure it is well blended. Place the molds prepared in 12 cupcakes or muffins. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes, until toothpick inserted comes out clean. Cool completely before covering with cream caramel.

1 cup sweet milk 1 cup shredded

cream Mix cream cheese with sweet milk until a uniform preparation, no streaks. Cover the cupcakes with the cream. What can be done with a spoon, or if you prefer a sleeve to make it neater.


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