addition, President Fernandez at the meeting were the ministers of agriculture, engineer Salvador (Chios) Jimenez, Office of the President, Luis Manuel Bonetti, Public Health, Bautista Rojas Gomez, and Industry and Trade, Manuel García Arévalo.También The administrator of the Agricultural Bank, Paino Abreu Collado; the directors of the Dominican Agrarian Institute, Juan Rodriguez and the National Price Stabilization, Richard James, and representatives of associations and federations of producers and members of other public and private institutions linked to the agricultural sector.
Prior to the start of the meeting, Fernandez visited the facilities of the Plaza Agricultural works at the Ministry of Agriculture, where he observed the process of selling products at low prices in the basket farming family.
The president spoke with sellers and buyers who attended the gathering center of the Ministry to buy food at fair prices.
For the third time, Fernandez has led the meeting with agricultural sector from the headquarters of the Ministry of Agriculture, during which he has taken far-reaching measures for the development of national agriculture.
The first was
and 14 September 2007, where the President, in an unprecedented move, ordered several measures and established the Presidential Agricultural Bureaux.
Among the provisions were set aside the withholding tax to five percent on sales of agriculture products and decided to return the amount of ITBIS charged to producers, created a Special Revolving Fund through the Agricultural Bank, for Plan competitiveness of milk production. Also, ordered the gradual export of 40 metric tons of rice.
It also provided 47 million pesos for one of the payments to producers and rice millers under the National Program Pledges. Producers who participated in the first Presidential Agricultural Officers said they had never attended meetings as fruitful and productive as they had with President Fernández on September 14, 2007.
On the second visit, in 2008, Fernandez gave a fleet of 100 vehicles to the Ministry of Agriculture to strengthen support for the National Recovery Plan for Agriculture, after the sector was affected by several tropical storms. Source: New Journal
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