A day to remember and miss the great Stanislaw Lem (1921-2006) the creator of Solaris and the father of cosmonaut Ijon Tichy, eccentric that could become embroiled in hilarious dialogues with different versions of himself that create temporal paradoxes in his travels to the stars. Yesterday, during this year celebrates the 90th anniversary of the birth of the great reformer of science fiction, literature festival devoted three acts KOSMOPOLIS the dubbed Operation Lem: a panel discussion on the Polish writer, a conference on his work and the screening of the film based on his books that the author valued most: Yarrow (Przekladaniec, 1968), Andrzej Wajda.
In fact, as explained just before the pass Wojciech Orlinski, author of a study on the writer, Lem disliked most films on their books. Interestingly, most anger was held gave Andrei Tarkovsy version of Solaris, 1972. "I hated it, found it pathetic, saying that his ironic solemnity betrayed the original spirit." Well, since then the Soderbergh version 2002 with George Clooney ... "Well, he preferred to that of Tarkovsky, he believed that at least kept the sexual tension between the protagonist and his dead wife twice."
Yarrow The film is a rally driver who suffers an accident and is rebuilt with pieces of his dead brother, a woman and a dog, causing the natural complications but also the administrative hassles and paradoxes therefore of interest to Lem. As if it were an argument of the author's own research, the actor starred in the film died in a car accident. Orlinski
agree that the best novel by Lem probably hay fever. He met Lem. He says he was a gentleman from another century (past). "He turned pessimistic with age and believed that mankind is sworn to suicide with progress. "His obsession with death, remember, it came from his hair survival under Nazi occupation." He did not like that they considered science fiction author. He believed that gender failed to predict the future, which summed up the title of his latest novel, Fiasco. "
Sunday, March 27, 2011
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"VOTE FOR PPK and turn ON THE PRAIRIE? (An article by César Hildebrandt) PAUL McCARTNEY
By César Hildebrandt.
If you want, how they wanted the Marxists, sharpen the contradictions of Peru and tighten their conflict to the outskirts of the drama, is consistent: vote by the American PPK.
This will ensure that the ILO Convention 169 is mocked, the Camisea gas is not sold to the Peruvians, but the Mexicans and Chileans (because that employers should PPK), which remains of Peru is finished (including drinking water and the North Pier) and, finally, we become, against Washington, in an even more bent than the rampant Alvaro Uribe.
PPK is not a Peruvian. That is fine. Nor was Henry Ford. Or Teddy Roosevelt. But neither Ford nor Roosevelt run for president of Peru.
PPK is a rogue lobbyist, a ruthless businessman who plays the winner and has already obtained enough mixing promiscuously from their positions of minister and adviser to various schemes and many foreign companies, public and private.
Moreover, I do not know whether PPK is a truly American. What I do know is which is a cosmopolitan ticket. If tomorrow would war between the U.S. and China, PPK take refuge in the headquarters of the World Bank. Or in some Central Guariquén IMF or the Polish consulate in New York. Because PPK is not Uncle Sam. Papa Johns is!
And I need not say how much would it take to take refuge in the United States Embassy in Lima if Peru would conflict with a neighboring country.
is not forbidden to be an international omnivorous piranha. What is bad taste is that someone who does not believe but the money will come to speak of government policies and social justice.
Boys Class A / B is that it has been believed. Is that so anarchists, so nihilistic, so as metalheads that computer and do not mind being a voracious alien disguised as a flutist's rule. Overall, if many of their parents knelt before a Japanese citizen, why not PPK? Overall, if Peru is still a mine, a parcel, a whorehouse, one denounced, by cutting down a forest and mountains of gold that give the outsider, is not consistent expatriate vote for a wildly successful with more than one passport? Is not the Man Without Qualities PPK moral hero films made and television paradigm? Is not is cool to be a Michael Douglas in Wall Street?
The problem is that a hypothetical choice of PPK us back to that right pradista that incubated the violent 60's, the leftist coup of 70, the madness of the 80 hikers.
is not the first time the world knows a period of prosperity. Between 1950 and 1975 were, in general a high growth rate. And Peru was not immune to this cycle. The issue is that quarter of a century was used to build the foundations of a modern state and a less balanced.
Today we feel the same.
Prosperity has passed as a fireball in front of the noses of millions of Peruvians.
During this second administration corrupt Garcia For example, the following has occurred:
1. 1. The share of wages in gross domestic product fell from 23.1% in 2006 to 20.9% in 2010.
2. 2. The per capita income-the asshole-grew 24.4%, but real wages fell 6%.
Félix Jiménez reminded us that 77% of the economically active population is in services and trade with an average rate of 650 soles salaries and very low productivity. And we have stressed that between 2006 and 2010, while García Cornejo and filled his pockets a second time, left the country, as foreign investment income 37,000 (trentisiete thousand) million dollars. And how much came of external resources in the same period? For ten billion dollars less than what was.
to persuade Finally, Jiménez educational uses this comparison: in 2010 left the country, as foreign capital gains, 8,900 (eight in 1900) million dollars or 25 billion soles, upper income Annual all the poor of Peru, which peaked at 21 billion suns.
Garcia says we grow. The problem is how. During the regime to end this July, real exports have increased 3.8% per year. Imports in contrast, have grown at an annual rate of 16.6% "Not that we are an export-oriented virtual power? No. Not so.
time ago, invited by the Catholic University, came the American economist Dani Rodrik, Harvard associate professor of school by John Kennedy. Rodrick took care to remind us that there is no true and sustained growth - ie development, but surely there is a process of productivity growth, domestic demand growth and industrialization.
That is what terrifies the Neanderthal of liberalism that have dominated the Peruvian political agenda: coordination between state and private and, in some cases, yes, not horrified: planning. As in South Korea or Singapore.
But it is not possible to conclude whether the national capital is becoming less significant. In 1950 foreign capital represented in Peru, as a percentage of GDP generation, 10 percent. In 1968, when the military stormed the scene nasceríais, and was 22%. After Fujimori in 2000, that figure reached 29%. And in 2007, with Garcia in the fullness of its policy, reached 34.5% of foreign capital to GDP.
why - and many other things, is that in all the surveys on the subject of the economic situation more than 70 percent of the respondents (73.9% in the most recent) requests that the model changes. That's what the conservative press is silent and its phalanx of accompanying voices.
A widespread unrest in Peru. That silenced the press does not mean that there is. That unease has to do with inequalities, with the blindness of the political class, with exclusions, with the corruption with impunity. There is a great feast, but there are millions who look, angry, behind a fence.
If you do not want one but several Bagua, a dry prairie grass and a spark in VRAE, a discontent that radicalize the protests and make the country ungovernable, no doubt, vote for PPK. If you want another April 5, vote for who will not live in a democracy. And if you're thinking of those who need a PPK that ignite the prairie to justify a new dictatorship, then I congratulate you: it goes in the right direction.
And if I was Abimael Guzmán I would be rubbing their hands.
Unlike progressive thinking (which feeds the solidarity movement, PJ and popular in this part of the world) believe that creating wealth above the existing. The opposite is pure deception. Metaphysics. Palmistry.
governance is achieved by restoring rights and freedoms, generating competitiveness and legal stability, but substantially, generating wealth and redistributing it with maximum efficiency to meet as many needs.
governance is achieved by restoring rights and freedoms, generating competitiveness and legal stability, but substantially, generating wealth and redistributing it with maximum efficiency to meet as many needs.
At this point, it is absurd, and even self-destructive thought otherwise: there is no developed country in the world that does not have a strong state, efficient, ubiquitous, planner, there is no developed country do not bet by the market, by regulation (financial, monetary, public goods and services, environmental) for social welfare and the right to development. That is, given the poverty does not go.
Justicialism claims do not give up.
popular discourse may have euphony, ie it may be pleasing to the ear with a set of proclamations for world's poor and with a battery of curses and diatribes against, by eg surplus, capitalism, exploitation and unhappiness. impacting step demonstrations and legitimate constructs as capitalization, productivity, competitiveness and sustainable development.
popular discourse may have euphony, ie it may be pleasing to the ear with a set of proclamations for world's poor and with a battery of curses and diatribes against, by eg surplus, capitalism, exploitation and unhappiness. impacting step demonstrations and legitimate constructs as capitalization, productivity, competitiveness and sustainable development.
Because you can not live all the time smoking opium outdated ideology (with its slogans and revolutionary euphoria), we, too, after reading the article Hilderandt Caesar, which exists in Peru is a great spirit reactionary left. .
And whatever the outcome of the Peruvian electoral process, the next President is in the national obligation to prop up a steady state, a state planner, civil service bureaucrats to truth, to increase the possibilities of doing business, saving, investing, consuming, and above all a social setting conducive , which promotes human development, creating more and better educational opportunities, cultural, leisure, better health services, recreation, transportation, housing and sanitation.
The policy that we live in the country, for better or for worse, is emotional, rough, media, folk. And not based on ideology, or militancy, or party organizations and no public discussion spaces (not talking about pens where people insult to rage) corresponds to practice in the media, from the Academy, from the state and political teaching professions.
We consider that neither Alejandro Toledo, and Keiko Fujimori, and Ollanta Humala, and Luis Castillo and Pedro Pablo Kuzscinski are Víctor Raúl Haya de la Torre and Fernando Belaunde Terry and Luis Bedoya Reyes and Valentin Paniagua Corazao.
Then, as Rousseau would say, "the worst way to remove the fear of children is instilling more fear." César Hildebrandt We believe that it is doing.
We must also be clear that PPK is a lobbyist among all professions, occupations and grades shown and recognized. And, in becoming President of the Republic, will have to postpone or delay their ties or business interests in favor of national interests. Otherwise, the defense mechanisms of the Constitutional the trial of the president, the presidential vacancy, internal control and accountability would be activated. And this should occur relentlessly.
PPK Is voting aggiornamiento favor the Shining Path? How to know. In any case, nothing can prove otherwise, nor with the remaining candidates is the same.
Or Does Hildebrandt suggested that a possible government of Humala would be immune to hiking?
Oscar Contreras Morales .-
By César Hildebrandt.
If you want, how they wanted the Marxists, sharpen the contradictions of Peru and tighten their conflict to the outskirts of the drama, is consistent: vote by the American PPK.
This will ensure that the ILO Convention 169 is mocked, the Camisea gas is not sold to the Peruvians, but the Mexicans and Chileans (because that employers should PPK), which remains of Peru is finished (including drinking water and the North Pier) and, finally, we become, against Washington, in an even more bent than the rampant Alvaro Uribe.
PPK is not a Peruvian. That is fine. Nor was Henry Ford. Or Teddy Roosevelt. But neither Ford nor Roosevelt run for president of Peru.
PPK is a rogue lobbyist, a ruthless businessman who plays the winner and has already obtained enough mixing promiscuously from their positions of minister and adviser to various schemes and many foreign companies, public and private.
Moreover, I do not know whether PPK is a truly American. What I do know is which is a cosmopolitan ticket. If tomorrow would war between the U.S. and China, PPK take refuge in the headquarters of the World Bank. Or in some Central Guariquén IMF or the Polish consulate in New York. Because PPK is not Uncle Sam. Papa Johns is!
And I need not say how much would it take to take refuge in the United States Embassy in Lima if Peru would conflict with a neighboring country.
is not forbidden to be an international omnivorous piranha. What is bad taste is that someone who does not believe but the money will come to speak of government policies and social justice.
Boys Class A / B is that it has been believed. Is that so anarchists, so nihilistic, so as metalheads that computer and do not mind being a voracious alien disguised as a flutist's rule. Overall, if many of their parents knelt before a Japanese citizen, why not PPK? Overall, if Peru is still a mine, a parcel, a whorehouse, one denounced, by cutting down a forest and mountains of gold that give the outsider, is not consistent expatriate vote for a wildly successful with more than one passport? Is not the Man Without Qualities PPK moral hero films made and television paradigm? Is not is cool to be a Michael Douglas in Wall Street?
The problem is that a hypothetical choice of PPK us back to that right pradista that incubated the violent 60's, the leftist coup of 70, the madness of the 80 hikers.
is not the first time the world knows a period of prosperity. Between 1950 and 1975 were, in general a high growth rate. And Peru was not immune to this cycle. The issue is that quarter of a century was used to build the foundations of a modern state and a less balanced.
Today we feel the same.
Prosperity has passed as a fireball in front of the noses of millions of Peruvians.
During this second administration corrupt Garcia For example, the following has occurred:
1. 1. The share of wages in gross domestic product fell from 23.1% in 2006 to 20.9% in 2010.
2. 2. The per capita income-the asshole-grew 24.4%, but real wages fell 6%.
Félix Jiménez reminded us that 77% of the economically active population is in services and trade with an average rate of 650 soles salaries and very low productivity. And we have stressed that between 2006 and 2010, while García Cornejo and filled his pockets a second time, left the country, as foreign investment income 37,000 (trentisiete thousand) million dollars. And how much came of external resources in the same period? For ten billion dollars less than what was.
to persuade Finally, Jiménez educational uses this comparison: in 2010 left the country, as foreign capital gains, 8,900 (eight in 1900) million dollars or 25 billion soles, upper income Annual all the poor of Peru, which peaked at 21 billion suns.
Garcia says we grow. The problem is how. During the regime to end this July, real exports have increased 3.8% per year. Imports in contrast, have grown at an annual rate of 16.6% "Not that we are an export-oriented virtual power? No. Not so.
time ago, invited by the Catholic University, came the American economist Dani Rodrik, Harvard associate professor of school by John Kennedy. Rodrick took care to remind us that there is no true and sustained growth - ie development, but surely there is a process of productivity growth, domestic demand growth and industrialization.
That is what terrifies the Neanderthal of liberalism that have dominated the Peruvian political agenda: coordination between state and private and, in some cases, yes, not horrified: planning. As in South Korea or Singapore.
But it is not possible to conclude whether the national capital is becoming less significant. In 1950 foreign capital represented in Peru, as a percentage of GDP generation, 10 percent. In 1968, when the military stormed the scene nasceríais, and was 22%. After Fujimori in 2000, that figure reached 29%. And in 2007, with Garcia in the fullness of its policy, reached 34.5% of foreign capital to GDP.
why - and many other things, is that in all the surveys on the subject of the economic situation more than 70 percent of the respondents (73.9% in the most recent) requests that the model changes. That's what the conservative press is silent and its phalanx of accompanying voices.
A widespread unrest in Peru. That silenced the press does not mean that there is. That unease has to do with inequalities, with the blindness of the political class, with exclusions, with the corruption with impunity. There is a great feast, but there are millions who look, angry, behind a fence.
If you do not want one but several Bagua, a dry prairie grass and a spark in VRAE, a discontent that radicalize the protests and make the country ungovernable, no doubt, vote for PPK. If you want another April 5, vote for who will not live in a democracy. And if you're thinking of those who need a PPK that ignite the prairie to justify a new dictatorship, then I congratulate you: it goes in the right direction.
And if I was Abimael Guzmán I would be rubbing their hands.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Taxwhat To Write Inwedding Cards
was confirmed the presentation of former Beatle Paul McCartney in Lima, on Monday May 9, 2011, at 21:00.
apostolic If we could even say, after the May 9 ... "dwelt among us ...".
apostolic If we could even say, after the May 9 ... "dwelt among us ...".
It will be fun to show the UP AND COMING TOUR. Its duration is approximately 2 hours 50 minutes. Paul is in enviable physical condition (think it's an elderly man with a physical solvent, own musical voice and a boy of 22). In addition, the audio fidelity, the visual, pyrotechnics and the backing band are an order pluscuanperfecto. Would have to take it for granted.
can also say that having a Beatle in Lima is by now a blessing.
Y is-somehow-an indicator of economic emergency after thirty years of "apocalyptic plagues" (terrorism, hyperinflation, state terrorism, drug trafficking, economic shock, corruption, a phenomenon of child), so it is justice that Peru is distracted, softening and reinvented the show with Sir Paul McCartney: a true hero of rock n roll.
Something good is happening in the country, not everything can be wrong.
Long live Paul McCartney!
Oscar Contreras Morales .-
Something good is happening in the country, not everything can be wrong.
Long live Paul McCartney!
Oscar Contreras Morales .-
Paul McCartney: Being a survivor is a privilege (Diario El Mercurio, Chile)
The former Beatle played last night in Buenos Aires, as part of the Up and Coming tour, which this time did not stop in Santiago. In a deep and sincere dialogue, reminiscent of John Lennon McCartney talks about the separation of his group, his relationship with Yoko Ono and demystifies legends, such as why he was barefoot on the album "Abbey Road."
Sebastian Ramos La Nacion of Buenos Aires Being a Beatle, be granted not one but four titles. One sixties: "The Beatles made many changes to improve the world." Another debunker and beatlemaniacs tone: "When we went to take pictures for the cover of 'Abbey Road', I just took the shoes and crossed the street with the rest. "Perhaps a sensational and out of context:" I have no relationship with Yoko. "And the last one, dedicated to his friend and fellow society more intense and creative pop music 50 years: "Having your hand to a person like John will probably happen only once in a lifetime". With them always the case. Each one chooses the Beatle they want. Here also you can keep the one you like Paul.
"Hi, Paul", greet, and start running the strict 20 minutes of talk.
-The list of topics of these concerts is a major retrospective of his career, how do you see yourself when you look back?
"Like if I look in a mirror I do not know, somehow I feel like a lucky boy. If I look back, I see the boy Paul, growing up in World War II, which was a very interesting time, then we are The Beatles, which meant a release time, where not only us but a lot of things were changing. There was a lot more freedom for young people and that's where we could develop a talent that allowed us to make great music. I can say now, after much time has passed, because at that time would have been very proud. Now, as we did has lasted so long and been so successful, I think I can say I was very fortunate to have been a quarter of that. "
- In the decade of 60, a generation of musicians set out to change the world with his art, what is the meaning of pop music these days?
"In the 60's, people began to realize how things could be done in the world and in music. I think The Beatles made many changes to improve the world. At that time people woke up, realized he was free, I had a kind voice. And now I find many people who comes and tells me that in one way or another, changed his life, the music that we were led to believe they could do something important. Until then it was like people had things set by their parents, school or tradition, it was like having a set path. That was very important and when you look at pop music these days, many people find that keeping up with Bob Geldof, Bono, U2, Coldplay. There are many people doing very good work on behalf of good causes. And then there's the other side, that music is just entertainment, fun, just to make people dance, to a party, and rightly so. "
- In which direction creative process changed in recent years?
"Everything changes, you learn and try different things. What I do now is different and, in the first place, you have to remember that in early times was John. Most of the things we did were collaborations and that made a particular style. Even when we worked apart, we did things in the same style. Since then, I try not to do the same all the time and then my approach to composition has changed. Although I think that fortunately I keep writing good songs ".
The survivor
usually McCartney as head a phrase he wrote long ago:" Take a sad song and make it better. "For it is not surprising that three-hour concert is a constant celebration, even remember their loved ones are gone, like John, George Harrison and his first wife and partner in the group Wings, Linda Eastman.
- Was it difficult being the survivor, the man should always have the legend?
"I must tell you that for me it was a great time, really enjoyed it. There were about children in Liverpool when we formed the band and started doing something, then did something really special and, later, it was crazy world. Then I Wings, who was also very good, and now I do things alone and feel so very special. I play songs by The Beatles because I love people remember and love them. Being a survivor of everything that is a privilege. "
- this year Lennon reminded twice: 70 years of his birth and 30 death ... What was the most influential left him?
"I remember with great love. A special day to always remember is when we met and started working together. I think the biggest influence is the way we wrote together. We managed to happen something special. Before crossing, we worked individually, but it was something small and when we meet, just that we did was great. I think we both have influenced each other. Write together it became very easy, very simple. I had an idea, he had an idea and another and another, was a kind ping-pong of ideas and at the end of the session, we had a new song. The musical influence was probably the most important. While I worked with creative people, I think having a person beside you and John will probably happen only once in a lifetime ".
The Beatle
- In April marked 40 years of separation from The Beatles, How do you remember that time? Do you still think it was the best decision?
"It was hard for everyone, because we had been together a long time. For the first time, we had great trouble conduct business. We did not have to think about these things because Brian Epstein took over, but when he died we had to get down to thinking about it. That was when Apple opened as from the United States Allen Klein came, things got so difficult that it was impossible to continue. When I think about it, I realize that somehow had to happen and had to end at that time. Indeed, the end was difficult, so I try to focus on the big things we had done before. "
- What does it mean to you now close his concerts with a song like" Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band "?
"It's very rewarding to play songs I wrote many years ago, because it brings me back memory. Then, every time I play, I think the day we recorded that song. With The Beatles only played it once when we recorded it. That would have been the end of the song because I never would have played again, but with the current band the rescue and is good to keep the song alive. It also works very well, I think, at the end of a show because it was written to be the end of a show. I think it's a good finish and very enjoyable for both the public and the band. This is a very liberating. "
- I can do a couple more questions, but as a fan of The Beatles?
- Why is barefoot on the cover of the band's latest album, "Abbey Road"?
"It was hot and was working in sandals, in the study. When we went to take pictures for the album cover, I just pulled out and crossed the street with the rest, but barefoot. No one died, There was no funeral as a legend. "
- Have you ever thought of recording something together with Yoko Ono?
"No, we do not have a musical relationship. I see often, we send Christmas cards and gifts for birthdays. We have a good relationship, but not music."
- Thinking of Charles Manson, Mark Chapman and all that extra musical about the Beatles, why do you think happened? Was the confusion of the time or what the Beatles represented at that time?
"I think it was drugs. A lot of people take drugs, and some, like the ones you mention, went crazy. "
- And what do they represent the Beatles today?
" I think, at some point, they still represent the freedom, good music, and increasingly and the more we become legend. But the main thing is that they still represent the enjoyment of life. "
Chilean pesos to $ 1,200,000 per ticket
The expectations aroused both Paul McCartney concert in Buenos Aires, yesterday and today was that the tickets sold out quickly. Yesterday, early, long lines were assembled achieve a good location in a show that would be opened by the former vocalist for Los Piojos, Andrés Ciro Martínez.
There were resellers offering tickets for up to 10 Argentine pesos, ie, over $ 1,200,000 in Chilean currency.
Argentines surrendered at his feet. A Paul McCartney in glory and majesty returned last night to the capital of Argentina, who had received his last visit in 1993. River Plate stadium was completely full: 45 thousand fans had made a long queue to wait for their idol. Several wore celestial globes and signs with greetings for the artist. Among the varied groups, which included several women over 40 and entire families, distinguished celebrities like Charly Garcia, who was cheered when he made his entry into the stadium.
teloneo After a half hour acoustic Andrew Cyrus, lead singer of the band Los Piojos, McCartney appeared on stage on time at 21:00 hours with a powerful mix of "Venus and Mars", "Rock Show" and "Jets." Earlier, Argentine public greeted with "Hello, Buenos Aires!". Attempted to communicate in English with the public during the three hour concert.
showing his versatility on stage, the British musician started with his classic low, but touched several instruments throughout the evening. The repertoire of his show focused mainly on his time in Wings, but as expected, included several items of all Beatles and solo career. A couple of songs were dedicated to his late friend and fellow Beatles John Lennon and George Harrison.
This is the first of two concerts that the musician would in Argentina as part of his tour Up and coming. The other would be made today in the same stadium, and tickets had all sold, despite the high prices that were up to 6 000 Argentine pesos, something like $ 720 000 Chileans.
And though long ago rumors that the musician could play 68 years in Chile in 2011, so far nothing is confirmed. What is known is that this is not a farewell tour, as he himself was responsible for making it clear to the media did not think trasandinos retire from the stage yet.
How Can I Make Myself Look Older
THE POWER OF ROGER WATERS (Journal COUNTRY) muro/Madrid/elpepucul/20110325elpepucul_21/Tes
ended last night waiting thirty years to see and enjoy live The Wall, and the result was something beyond the spectacular. To begin with the sound that was heard last night in a abarrotadisimo Palacio de Deportes Comunidad de Madrid. Almost reminded of a movie theater with 5.1 surround and stereo had not ever heard in this hall in a mega rock. Guitar Duels sounded quite clean and furious. Roger Waters's voice with perfect diction and the effects and recordings were of an almost incredible realism.
showed last night that Roger Waters has taken advantage of technological breakthroughs of recent years to update this show that in the eighties almost ruined Pink Floyd. The items then are still here, like cardboard bricks they grow slowly throughout the show, also giant puppets and inflatables for the mother and teacher to take center stage at the beginning of the concert and the artist's animation sequences Gerald Scarfe projected on the wall and the giant circular screen ... Yes all this is, but multiplied a thousand with a set of lights and sound very last generation. Come on, it seems the future rather than present or past.
Vera and Bring the boys back home became the scene in a wailing wall on which were projected images of soldiers reencountering with loved ones, war children starving and antiwar messages. Only you can say against the sections where the orchestra sounds were canned. Of course, with the highest quality digital recording. Roger Waters
only once dared to ride The Wall Live. In 1990. To commemorate the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall at Potsdamer Platz in the German city. Some 300,000 people attended this event in which invited Waters stars as Van Morrison, Scorpions, Joni Mitchell and Paul Carrack. The rest of the millions and millions of fans who had bought and had even reached the obsession with one of the legendary albums Pink Floyd had not had the opportunity to attend a live performance of The Wall. For the English public, the wait ended yesterday in the first Roger Waters concert in Spain has offered in his world tour, which began in Toronto on September 15, 2010, continued with more than 50 concerts in the United States and has provided other 60 in Europe, among them, one in Madrid (today) and two in Barcelona. A concert also updated with critical conflicts such as Afghanistan and Iraq, police brutality or events such as the murder of a young Brazilian in the London Underground. With the memory of the fallen in the Great Wars and a very special Federico García Lorca.?
When attacked Confortably Numb Waters last night, with the wall fully built, the public was almost ecstatic with the three guitar solos from a height of fifty feet, overhanging bricks, the two guitarists in the band launched into the track with fury and virtuosity despligue.
Run like hell In the audience was more participatory Waters palms along the wall while spitting criticism of information overload and the noise generated by Internet and social networks, but also showing that Wikileaks leaked video in which Several civilians are gunned down by a plane estadonidense the war in Afghanistan.
Legend has it that the original germ of the idea of \u200b\u200bEl Muro (The Wall) is summarized in a spit. As explained by Waters during the In the Flesh tour with Pink Floyd in 1977, a group of fans sat in the front row this mess that the music was angry and eventually one of them spit in the face. Waters then began fantasizing about the idea of \u200b\u200balienation and to build a wall behind which he and his colleagues could take shelter from the elements of the public. That germ
eventually led to a double album recorded between April and November 1979 under the direction of producer Bob Ezrin. It was a huge symphony, opera rock in which Roger Waters script gave vent to all their fears and autopsicoanalizaba through its protagonist Pink, a rock star disturbed by the weight of fame and excessive consumption of drugs and many saw a tribute to founder Pink Floyd, Syd Barrett, who left the group in 1968 and had to be admitted to a mental institution with the brain destroyed by LSD.
Castration for an education too narrowly, childhood traumas, neglect of the father killed in World War II, the impossibility of love and emotional upheavals, the suffocating pressure that crushes the rock star, abuse drug ... They are the bricks that the musician Pink imaginary places one above another to be isolated in a world that, far from protecting you from outside attacks, isolate him in a spiral of self destruction, noise and craziness. Paradoxically, all these ingredients mixed with a masterful score resulted in one of the biggest commercial successes of Pink Floyd since the inception of the band in 1965. Last night was now clear for the score and the traumas and events described in The Wall continue to be cutting edge.?
With this valuable material in hand, it was no wonder that Pink Floyd would embark on a tour that would match that which had been released on disc. Pink Floyd devised a giant installation at the time meant to carry out that idea that Waters had been after the spitting episode. So between 1980 and 1981, a few cities like New York, Los Angeles (the concert last night reminded Rogers), London and Dortmund saw this mammoth production in which a wall 70 meters long live rose and was hiding the musicians , which eventually were hidden behind it.?
What can be considered as the beginning of the macroproducciones intended to surprise the audience of rock in the big stadiums was an economic disaster for Pink Floyd, measuring and ultimately evil forces had to cancel that tour he was on the verge of leaving them in bankruptcy. Waters recovered last night's dream / nightmare with a cum laude, rather than a outstanding high.
The apotheosis came at the end of The Trial by Waters plays all the roles of those involved in the trial, singing live on a playback orchestra again before a dozen stagehands completely tear down the Wall. It all ends with a shower of red confetti and the band playing an acoustic version with accordion and banjo including Goodbye cruel world in which Waters dares to trumpet. Finally one night and a memorable concert. muro/Madrid/elpepucul/20110325elpepucul_21/Tes
ended last night waiting thirty years to see and enjoy live The Wall, and the result was something beyond the spectacular. To begin with the sound that was heard last night in a abarrotadisimo Palacio de Deportes Comunidad de Madrid. Almost reminded of a movie theater with 5.1 surround and stereo had not ever heard in this hall in a mega rock. Guitar Duels sounded quite clean and furious. Roger Waters's voice with perfect diction and the effects and recordings were of an almost incredible realism.
showed last night that Roger Waters has taken advantage of technological breakthroughs of recent years to update this show that in the eighties almost ruined Pink Floyd. The items then are still here, like cardboard bricks they grow slowly throughout the show, also giant puppets and inflatables for the mother and teacher to take center stage at the beginning of the concert and the artist's animation sequences Gerald Scarfe projected on the wall and the giant circular screen ... Yes all this is, but multiplied a thousand with a set of lights and sound very last generation. Come on, it seems the future rather than present or past.
Vera and Bring the boys back home became the scene in a wailing wall on which were projected images of soldiers reencountering with loved ones, war children starving and antiwar messages. Only you can say against the sections where the orchestra sounds were canned. Of course, with the highest quality digital recording. Roger Waters
only once dared to ride The Wall Live. In 1990. To commemorate the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall at Potsdamer Platz in the German city. Some 300,000 people attended this event in which invited Waters stars as Van Morrison, Scorpions, Joni Mitchell and Paul Carrack. The rest of the millions and millions of fans who had bought and had even reached the obsession with one of the legendary albums Pink Floyd had not had the opportunity to attend a live performance of The Wall. For the English public, the wait ended yesterday in the first Roger Waters concert in Spain has offered in his world tour, which began in Toronto on September 15, 2010, continued with more than 50 concerts in the United States and has provided other 60 in Europe, among them, one in Madrid (today) and two in Barcelona. A concert also updated with critical conflicts such as Afghanistan and Iraq, police brutality or events such as the murder of a young Brazilian in the London Underground. With the memory of the fallen in the Great Wars and a very special Federico García Lorca.?
When attacked Confortably Numb Waters last night, with the wall fully built, the public was almost ecstatic with the three guitar solos from a height of fifty feet, overhanging bricks, the two guitarists in the band launched into the track with fury and virtuosity despligue.
Run like hell In the audience was more participatory Waters palms along the wall while spitting criticism of information overload and the noise generated by Internet and social networks, but also showing that Wikileaks leaked video in which Several civilians are gunned down by a plane estadonidense the war in Afghanistan.
Legend has it that the original germ of the idea of \u200b\u200bEl Muro (The Wall) is summarized in a spit. As explained by Waters during the In the Flesh tour with Pink Floyd in 1977, a group of fans sat in the front row this mess that the music was angry and eventually one of them spit in the face. Waters then began fantasizing about the idea of \u200b\u200balienation and to build a wall behind which he and his colleagues could take shelter from the elements of the public. That germ
eventually led to a double album recorded between April and November 1979 under the direction of producer Bob Ezrin. It was a huge symphony, opera rock in which Roger Waters script gave vent to all their fears and autopsicoanalizaba through its protagonist Pink, a rock star disturbed by the weight of fame and excessive consumption of drugs and many saw a tribute to founder Pink Floyd, Syd Barrett, who left the group in 1968 and had to be admitted to a mental institution with the brain destroyed by LSD.
Castration for an education too narrowly, childhood traumas, neglect of the father killed in World War II, the impossibility of love and emotional upheavals, the suffocating pressure that crushes the rock star, abuse drug ... They are the bricks that the musician Pink imaginary places one above another to be isolated in a world that, far from protecting you from outside attacks, isolate him in a spiral of self destruction, noise and craziness. Paradoxically, all these ingredients mixed with a masterful score resulted in one of the biggest commercial successes of Pink Floyd since the inception of the band in 1965. Last night was now clear for the score and the traumas and events described in The Wall continue to be cutting edge.?
With this valuable material in hand, it was no wonder that Pink Floyd would embark on a tour that would match that which had been released on disc. Pink Floyd devised a giant installation at the time meant to carry out that idea that Waters had been after the spitting episode. So between 1980 and 1981, a few cities like New York, Los Angeles (the concert last night reminded Rogers), London and Dortmund saw this mammoth production in which a wall 70 meters long live rose and was hiding the musicians , which eventually were hidden behind it.?
What can be considered as the beginning of the macroproducciones intended to surprise the audience of rock in the big stadiums was an economic disaster for Pink Floyd, measuring and ultimately evil forces had to cancel that tour he was on the verge of leaving them in bankruptcy. Waters recovered last night's dream / nightmare with a cum laude, rather than a outstanding high.
The apotheosis came at the end of The Trial by Waters plays all the roles of those involved in the trial, singing live on a playback orchestra again before a dozen stagehands completely tear down the Wall. It all ends with a shower of red confetti and the band playing an acoustic version with accordion and banjo including Goodbye cruel world in which Waters dares to trumpet. Finally one night and a memorable concert.
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PpkA "? Carlos Melendez writes for the Journal
volatility electoral choices have consequences. Peru is the land of the waves, but not just for surfers, but also for those seeking to reach the presidency without the prior chamba (read at least build a party). But the waves are emotional, based on the famous "click" that makes a candidate (not a political project) with the electorate. The full extent of our political personalism bare: just appear as "a Peruvian like you", the "posh aunt" and now a "gringo criollón" to pull the electorate disaffected from politics, does not believe in ideologies and proposals will sound like fluorine, for whom the patronage is the lesser evil.
staff with low-intensity leading causes an emotional vote, therefore accidental. Once you pass the time of the attraction, if there is no organization or proposal to retain the support, infatuation fades. Therefore, only come to fruition if the elections are when the candidate in question is at the top of the wave, ie when it is still a surprise, when he grabbed Viada, when their opponents are hard hit just yet not react. Then there are the campaigns against, and the reflection of the electorate when love begins to think about it. The wave down its intensity. Remember the 2000: it dropped Andrade, then Castañeda (not learn) and it was too late to Toledo. Villarán few more days and did not count. The question is: where does the wave grab a PKK on 10 April? "On the crest or on the shore? PPK
Mockus reminds me: eccentric characters, "foreigners" in their own countries, that being unable to build their own party appeal to social networking sites (lack of real), the militant to the extent of a tweet, move debutantes voters at the polls at the point of flashmobs and break the political ice pulling down his pants cardboard or getting touch of privacy. OK, Colombia is not Peru, but it seems. Personalist alike are captivated only part of the electorate, in that A and B who dream of post-material demands or are beyond good and dog in the manger. Only if we transcend to C and D and regions, and to the communities that live right next to the mining, PPK could be sustained beyond the emotion. Because if not, you become Sánchez de Lozada. Just as all personalism is detrimental to good governance (whether Villarán or PPK) also ends (PPK even pro-market, but pro-business). Recall that Goni Evo came with your bonus. And all the waves are tame to the shore.
volatility electoral choices have consequences. Peru is the land of the waves, but not just for surfers, but also for those seeking to reach the presidency without the prior chamba (read at least build a party). But the waves are emotional, based on the famous "click" that makes a candidate (not a political project) with the electorate. The full extent of our political personalism bare: just appear as "a Peruvian like you", the "posh aunt" and now a "gringo criollón" to pull the electorate disaffected from politics, does not believe in ideologies and proposals will sound like fluorine, for whom the patronage is the lesser evil.
staff with low-intensity leading causes an emotional vote, therefore accidental. Once you pass the time of the attraction, if there is no organization or proposal to retain the support, infatuation fades. Therefore, only come to fruition if the elections are when the candidate in question is at the top of the wave, ie when it is still a surprise, when he grabbed Viada, when their opponents are hard hit just yet not react. Then there are the campaigns against, and the reflection of the electorate when love begins to think about it. The wave down its intensity. Remember the 2000: it dropped Andrade, then Castañeda (not learn) and it was too late to Toledo. Villarán few more days and did not count. The question is: where does the wave grab a PKK on 10 April? "On the crest or on the shore? PPK
Mockus reminds me: eccentric characters, "foreigners" in their own countries, that being unable to build their own party appeal to social networking sites (lack of real), the militant to the extent of a tweet, move debutantes voters at the polls at the point of flashmobs and break the political ice pulling down his pants cardboard or getting touch of privacy. OK, Colombia is not Peru, but it seems. Personalist alike are captivated only part of the electorate, in that A and B who dream of post-material demands or are beyond good and dog in the manger. Only if we transcend to C and D and regions, and to the communities that live right next to the mining, PPK could be sustained beyond the emotion. Because if not, you become Sánchez de Lozada. Just as all personalism is detrimental to good governance (whether Villarán or PPK) also ends (PPK even pro-market, but pro-business). Recall that Goni Evo came with your bonus. And all the waves are tame to the shore.
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An interview with Artur Domoslawski
publication in Spain, where Ryszard enjoys a mythic stature of the biography written by Artur Domoslawski Polish journalist, was preceded by some controversy. The controversy began as an echo of that originated in Poland, where the book was a small earthquake. It quickly became a bestseller and led to a widespread lynching of the author, who from both fronts were accused of betraying the memory of his friend and mentor. The news wires coming from Poland and the English media (but also English and Italian) reproduced or played, talked about a controversial book, a kind of summary trial bound in 600 pages, full of accusations exposé written with the sole aim to destroy the reputation of the author of The Emperor and Travels with Herodotus. When months later the book was finally translated into Castilian, the surprise has been capitalized. non-fiction (Galaxia Gutenberg, 2010) is not nearly what we had been told the newspaper. In it a serious and, at times, revealing on a number of legends and inventions that both in life and in his writings, went through truths, but the book is much more. It is, above all, a major effort to put in place and historical moment in which he lived, to understand and explain how this war child born in Pinsk, convinced communist for most of his life and revolutionary living became a legend of international journalism.
What time arises to write a biography?
Well, it was a little after the death of Kapuscinski. A journalist friend told me: "I wish we could write a biography together." I never had written a biography and had not even thought of writing one. And while the idea Kapuściński was alive I had not even crossed his mind. At first I was startled by the size of the work to be done, because it is not only Kapu, but to write, for example, about his years in Africa, one must consult a number of sources, find many books, more even when dealing with a topic that I am not a specialist. Latin America know better, is an area to which I traveled and about which I have written enough, it's even easier to know what books I should go. While in the case of Africa had to consult with friends, experts, teachers. The fear is there, but the temptation is growing, as a grain that grows, as I think about the project and then tell my friend: "Ok, let's do it." But a few weeks she is not interested, have other issues that interest you most and leaves.
How conducts the research?
Almost the entire first year was basically Kapuściński reread and think and plan entire library research, travel, interviews. In late 2007 start doing the first interviews, just to see if this could go on, because it still was not sure. Especially reporters Kapuściński generation as Daniel passent, the Polityka magazine, or the former head of the same publication, which is interesting because the founder of Polityka was then the last first secretary of the Polish United Workers' Party, Rakowski. After these initial readings and interviews, still do not see how it will be the architecture of the book, but I feel it is something I really want to do and, above all, make a list of people that I have to interview, guided by a chronology of the life of Kapuściński. Divide your life into eras, I make a list of basic readings and interviews for each period, starting Pinsk. Obviously it is a preliminary list because then in the research process emerging new readings and new interviews.
When did doubts arise about the legends and factual lapses of Kapuściński?
The first case in which I begin to see that the data did not fit in the legend is that he had met and made friends with Che Guevara. That was the first question I had, I remember it well. I saw the notation on the cover of the English edition of The Soccer War and it caught my attention because I knew he had gone to Latin America Kapuściński as two months after the death of Che Guevara. There was the possibility that they have been found in Africa, so I researched and asked. Had a friend, Nowak, who is one of the best sources of the book, who first met Guevara in Zanzibar, and he confirms that it is impossible Kapuściński had found Che in Africa. One day, googling, I found an interview with Jon Lee Anderson in a Colombian magazine in which Kapuściński told that that was a publisher's error. Then I talk with Jon Lee on this and other topics. That was the first. Then, when I did interviews with old Polish journalists, from time to time one would say, "Look at this or that, check the Katyn" [referring to the story that makes Kapuscinski in The Empire of how his father had escaped from a transport to Katyn, where Soviet troops killed more than four thousand Polish officers]. From what Che Guevara, I knew I had to verify certain things, things you read and then thought "why not tell the whole story and only appears that point?" The second issue jumped when I traveled to South America in November 2007. He had already re-read his work, had made three or four interviews, I traveled to Chile invited to lecture and I used to go to Bolivia. I went to Santa Cruz, where I meet "Chato" Peredo, a Bolivian guerrilla ex. I carried a Mexican edition of The Soccer War entitled The boots, which had fragments of his other books published in Poland. I will read some fragments Kapuściński dedicated to his father, also a rebel, and Peredo tells me are inventions invented color notes Kapu. I try to be fair to him, not looking to be tough, there are cases in which errors are attributable to neglect, but others do not. I really like the theory of Kapuściński about rumors and their importance in the social landscape painting. I agree with that, but I must say they are rumors, not pass them by hard evidence.
There are things that can be careless, but in the book there are others who are legends or deliberate constructions ...
is the case with the legend that Kapuscinski was about to be shot first in Bolivia, Ghana and then finally Usumbura prison in Congo. I had doubts about the veracity of this. Even after finding the narrative constructed by the son of a Czech journalist who participated in this expedition Congolese. Nothing I wrote or did the reporter indicates that the Czech after they were about to be shot. And there is no one remembers one thing and another does not, memory is capricious, and one may confuse or forget details, but if it is about being shot, that is not forgotten. Nowak then confirm my intuition, to tell all the friends of that time they heard these stories from the mouths of Kapuściński licenses knew they were hers, and when anyone ever insisted on the veracity of these facts, Kapu put some face and changed subject.
That's an interesting thing that several people repeating throughout the book: when confronted Kapuscinski was seen about a point or a story, far from refuting the doubt, put a face, smiled and changed the subject. Did it occur to you at any time?
You know I do not remember now same? But while researching the book, they discovered that, somehow, I had fallen in some of these Twister when we talked about the slaughter of Tlatelolco and the Pinochet coup. "I was there, was there, in those days," he said more than once, so with that ambiguity. At the time I did not insist, were things said during our talks, and I do not imagine that someday would write a biography of him.
regard to Che, "you tried to contact the English editor to find out who invented this legend?
No, not really. For First, after I made inquiries, it became obvious that he had not known the Che and he made no effort to correct that history. On the other hand, find the editor would have a big job that I did not know if it was to be rewarded. I sensed that after twenty years, would meet a "do not know." And there were many things about what to investigate. There are always things that do not follow because you have to calculate time, effort and results.
One of the criticisms that have been made in Poland following the publishing of the book is to uncover the circumstances are not such, they are things that you do know. What is curious because if you already knew, then what is the scandal ...
It's just not true. There is no previous text about nothing written by a Polish journalist or researcher to tell what is told in this book. Sure you can say, "I knew." But where is it written? Who knew? Where was it published? Nothing, nothing. With respect to the folder on Kapuściński collaboration with the secret service, that had been published. I provide an interpretation, based on my conversation with an expert, called "The Interpreter" in the book whose name I can not reveal. I trust as I said this person, I have sufficient reason to trust what he tells me, though, as I said also in the book, perhaps not told me one hundred percent, because we are talking about a world full of secrets. But I trust in what I said, I know this person before and I know that is a source of serious and well informed. He gives an explanation and with that and much other information I give my explanation, and there's two things that nobody had ever said in Poland. On the one hand, how journalists worked both sides of the Iron Curtain. And, second, an explanation of the position of Kapu. There were two streams in Poland in the last twenty years. A coming on the right, engaged in a witch hunt. And Kapuściński was always a possible target because it had been a member of the party and his celebrity status in the world of culture, so it could be accused of treason or compliant for its actions during the communist era. The second trend, with which I was identified for many years as people of my newspaper, who spoke with understanding of actions and decisions of people like Kapuściński during those years, but in my opinion, is a position paternalistic. Position taken mainly by people at the time linked to the democratic opposition to communism and which says: "Ryszard is of us, committed errors of youth, then changed his mind. "But this is not so, there were mistakes of youth, were his convictions, a further strong convictions, I believe that somehow legitimate historical context, something I try to explain in the book. For him there was a devil, Kapuscinski did not have to sell his soul to the devil to be able to travel abroad and make a career, he believed that People's Poland was his country, his country, believed in the project. If you crossed a border that must not cross, was different. A journalist should not collaborate with the intelligence, but he sold his soul to the devil for help the communist system, he was a communist. And this is a completely different narrative discussion that existed in the Polish debate.
That effort put in historical context Kapuściński Polish politician is probably the most interesting of the book. And, understand this point, one is able to see, as you say in the book, Kapuscinski did not understand their "collaboration" with the communist government as a toll, but he was a believer, someone who believed, more or less critically over the years in that system. Do you think that it remained so afterwards?
After a few years after the fall of real socialism, five or seven, until the appearance of new revolutionary movements, like the one led by Subcomandante Marcos, that fascinated him, apart from this very brief period, remained unchanged Kapuściński , continued to believe the same thing. Their position, their values, the heart was on the left. As explained in the book, all that, the way he saw the world is in that book forgotten, why they killed Karl Von Spreti?, In which he writes with empathy for the Guatemalan guerrillas kidnapped the German ambassador expounding his theory of guerrilla violence as the end of a long chain of violence initiated by the state and imperialism. That was written in the seventies, but in our century Kapuściński which infuriated him most of the journalists said about the war on terrorism, I thought that they knew nothing of the Islamic world, who did not understand where he came from such violence . Criticizes Al Qaeda, obviously, but it irritated him what he considered ignorance and lack of reflection on the Polish commentators.
The book explains that the Emperor was read in Poland as a metaphor for People's Poland and, in general, the power in the countries of the Soviet world. Do you think you that the hype and licenses Kapuściński took in that book, and others like the Shah, are the result of those blinders that saw the world or are they the result of over-exertion by squaring the metaphor?
regard to those two books, maybe he had in his head that he was writing a metaphor for Poland, but I think, and this is something different, that their understanding of the mechanisms of power and speed come from your experience in Poland. This can be seen in the chapter in which I use fragments of the Shah and the transfer to Poland of the fifties and the second revolution of 56. To me it is obvious that these events, experienced by Kapuscinski, behind his understanding of revolutions. And their experience in the court of the seventies party behind their understanding of the mechanisms of power. I think that while writing The Emperor was not sure what would, I think it was and is an experimental work that was inventing a style, a new narrative, and out came something that can hardly be called non fiction or journalism. It is a work of literature. Then, in the first place, he could not say in Poland under that was a metaphor, in spite of which was well understood by the Polish readers. When published in the Western world, was read by many readers, most, as non fiction. And there's a problem, of course.
was never For you non fiction?
Why him?
I think not, but never clearly stated. I think that from the beginning crossed a border, he could not call things by their name in Poland because the book would not have passed the censors and then left it.
Do you consider important to specify whether a book is journalism or literature?
course. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to understand the universal mechanisms of power, but not a journalism student who wants to understand the craft workshop.
"The controversy generated by his book in Poland was due to the status of national symbol that has Kapuściński?
also why, but I think I should explain a little more about the Polish context for foreign readers to understand it better. I have already spoken before about the two narratives about the communist past, the right and left, and this book proposes a third narrative more difficult to understand. On the other hand, we Kapuściński deity status in Poland, what makes you who think you should not even pose a type of questions, and raise them is an offense. A third issue has to do with the ideology of Kapuściński. In Poland, the intellectual circle, which I formally belong, is related to the Gazeta Wyborcza, the newspaper where I work, took over Kapuściński. It is our Kapuściński. And because it shares our vision our world. What, seen closely, it is not true. Gazeta Wyborcza in Poland comes to occupy space here [in Spain] occupy the country, but more edging to the right. Center right, if you will. Liberals in the American sense socially, but liberal or conservative in economic and geopolitical. And Kapuściński, as I explain in the book, was always a very left. But that did not look. Even in the newspaper published those interviews that I cite in the book, in which Kapuściński expressed sharply divided views on the online newspaper, with regard to Iraq, for example. But that did not see, no one wanted him.
How Kapuściński who looked the other hand seemed to like quite the praise and public recognition that the right or the center-right appropriates his work or his figure when he was a man as the left?
That's a very good question. I believe, and explain in the book, we all have different dimensions and aspirations. On the one hand, as we said before, Kapuscinski was a man quite full and had a very strong convictions, but not naive, knew well how the world was well aware that talent is not enough, you have to help things to happen. And hence everything that is told in the book on their progress through the corridors of power in People's Poland, for example. He had some ideas and these ideas are in his writings, but often are written so as not to irritate too depending on who, not to bother too much into the mainstream. It may seem a contradiction, I do not think it is, although it is a very strange coincidence that the man in love with the revolutions had that desire to be recognized by the mainstream. But for me the most interesting feature of this case shows that the mainstream that celebrated Kapuściński never read his work carefully, do not read with care and detail needed to discover that deep Kapuściński ideas were radically opposed to yours. And even, sometimes, these ideas were an attack on that same mainstream. He, of course, took advantage of that blindness. Kapuściński was never such dissident, like Noam Chomsky, who was at war with everybody.
No was the kind of character that fascinated him. It was a revolutionary.
Exactly. Had a revolutionary spirit but had a revolutionary behavior.
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LF define your repostulación or could prolong the "agony" of his opponents
While the deputy
On Sunday 27, announced during a ceremony to be held at the Palacio de los Deportes, President Leonel Fernandez could give clear guidance on the country, and his own Party of Dominican Liberation Party (PLD) the theme of his presidential repostulación, or conversely, to prolong the "agony" of their internal and external adversaries who aspire to take a quick and definitive decision. Political activity has had an unprecedented promotion in the mainstream of the country, is being forced feedback between policy sectors, which differ on what the president might announce.
National Palace A source confirmed to El Nuevo Diario the presence of the president, who will serve for a matter of courtesy to acknowledge the support of his partisans in the purple party, but that will not fix a position.
Some sectors believe that Fernandez will not seek to run again in elections next year, and if the intention is otherwise would not take the stage Sunday to "lock in" the best project .
The event will be held at the Palacio de los Deportes Virgilio Travieso Soto, at 10:00 am, and its proponents have ensured the presence of the President, First Lady Margarita Cedeño de Fernández and members of the party's central committee purple.
senators and congressmen, governors, mayors and other officials who sponsor the re-election of the Head of State is scheduled to deliver a document with more than two million signatures, asking you to accept run for president of the LDP for elections of 2012.
is recalled that at a ceremony at Government House, several officials and lawmakers handed him a document in support of his administration and President Fernandez asked her repostulación.
Asked by journalists about the issue, Bush said he would allow reflection, and recalls that during a meeting with media executives, said the people are sovereign in their decisions.
Among the legislators who support the President Fernández repostulación include President of the Chamber of Deputies, Abel Martinez and more than 40 deputies and senators, Dionis Sanchez, Tommy Galan, Felix Bautista, among others. The latter is the organizing secretary of the LDP.
President Fernandez has not said publicly or privately to run again for the post, but his answers on the subject have left a trail of suspicion in the national political environment.
Article 124 of the Constitution forbids him to opt for a new term, although some important leaders of the LDP argue that this article does not prevent him run again, because it is ambiguous.
Others are saying in the opposite way, including include Dr. Marino Vinicio Castillo, president of the National Progressive Force, notes that Article 124 is clear in this regard and, therefore, the head of state he is forbidden to seek reelection for period 2012-2016.
understand that Dr. Castillo that Fernandez could run again would have to amend the Constitution, by adding a paragraph to that article, which set a referendum or a referendum to be the people who decide whether or not on re-election.
According to the article Substantive 124 of the Charter, the Executive Power is exercised by him or the President of the Republic who is elected every four years by direct vote and not be elected for the period following constitutional.
LDP candidates not invited to act
None of the candidates of the ruling party has been invited to participate in this meeting, according to the organizing committee of the event that promotes repostulación of President Fernandez.
Abel Martinez, chairman of the House of Representatives, speaking on behalf of senators and deputies, said a delicate issue the candidates should not participate in the event because the ceremony over two million signatures is to ask President Fernandez to accept a candidate for the LDP. ;
"There is a delicate act to invite a fellow like that maybe that will compete with President Leonel Fernandez of the PLD to the internal. We therefore invite only members of the Political Committee have expressed aspirations to the Presidency of the Republic. That is an act to promote President Leonel Fernandez, "the legislator.
Peled, Carlos Guzman, called on other LDP presidential candidates put aside their aspirations and go to act to support the reelection of President Fernandez.
also argues that the head of state is the main asset available to the country and has won four times in the LDP.
Warn reelection violates LF
Constitution A set of personalities and civil society bodies yesterday sent him a letter to President Leonel Fernandez, where we recall that a repostulación Presidential own, would be a violation of the Constitution.
The letter was sent by dozens of lawyers, businessmen, economists and other professionals, who tell the president that the decision to take, upon reflection it makes, can be crucial to the strengthening or weakening of democratic institutions in the country.
They argue that a new constitutional amendment would be so traumatic that could call into question the legal security of the country and indicate that the mere possibility that it is unknown or undermined the constitutional and institutional order, creating tensions, which are not escapes even his own party.
"We understand the national and international economic scenario is delicate enough to have all their energies, all the government and the Dominican society, are directed to the concerted efforts to overcome adversity threatening socio-economic stability and overall progress of the nation, "they add.
Firman document Castaños Servius Tullius, chairman of the Finjus, Samir Chami Isa coordinator Citizen Participation, the writer Andrew L. Mateo, and journalists Ramon Colombo, Amelia Deschamps, Juan Bolívar Díaz, Miguel Guerrero and Victor Victor Santiago Sosa, Francisco Javier Czech and Cabreja.
Similarly, Andrew L. Matthew, Diogenes Cespedes, Grace Azcarate, Auris Acosta, Amelia Deschamps, mussel Ana Lora, Ramon Emilio Colombo, Emigdio Valenzuela, Getulio Beato, Harold A, Vásquez, Carlos Julio Baez Evertsz, Francisco Alvarez, Maria Fernandez, Ignacio Méndez and Lara Guerrero , among others.
Friday, March 25, 2011
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President Fernandez opens tomorrow Caribbean Air Show 2011 Executive
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic 5of March, 2011 .- With the presence of the President of the Dominican Republic, Dr. Leonel Fernandez, will be inaugurated tomorrow Caribbean Air Show, an event commemorating the centenary of the Dominican Aviation. "Everything is ready for this weekend, the Caribbean Air Show Dominicans bring the biggest international show aircraft acrobatics and civil and military aircraft never before seen in the country," said Mr. Aristides Fernandez Zucco, President Organizing Committee, Secretary of State and Executive Director of the Airport Department.
The Caribbean Air Show is free and will culminate with a festival and the participation of several orchestras and ensembles, including this El Jeffrey, Sergio Vargas, Vakero, Fernando Villalona, \u200b\u200bEl Poeta Callejero, Ramon Orlando, materials and Milka "La Mas Dura." The organizers have coordinated the OMSA free transport to go to watch the show, as well as facilities for attendees throughout the show area.

The much anticipated event, sponsored by Presidente Beer as main sponsor, has caused a sensation throughout the Dominican population, and was inaugurated on Saturday March 26 at 1:00 pm, with seven hours of continuous excitement, sound, smoke and speed. On Sunday 27 the Show continues from one to seven-thirty at night, with the participation of 11 of the most famous international acrobatic teams and drivers who have come to the Dominican Republic since last Tuesday.
The Havana Malecón, between Maximo Gomez and Abraham Lincoln, the public can enjoy Fred Cabanas Aerobatics Rob Holland Ultimate Airshows, Skip Stewart Airshows, Jack Knutson Aerobatic, Greg Shelton Airshows, Iron Eagles Aerobatics, Team Aerostar, Lima Lima Flight Team, Rafael "Dondi" Pesquera, Extreme Firebirds and Matt Younkin Airshows, Planes Pitts Special, MX2, Flugzeugbau Extra 300, Yak 52, Super Christen Eagle I and T-34 as well as famous F-15, C-130 Hercules, among others. On the Dominican side will be the Huey helicopters, OH-58, Robinson 44 and Robinson 22, as well as the famous Super Tucano.
The Caribbean Air Show is free and will culminate with a festival and the participation of several orchestras and ensembles, including this El Jeffrey, Sergio Vargas, Vakero, Fernando Villalona, \u200b\u200bEl Poeta Callejero, Ramon Orlando, materials and Milka "La Mas Dura." The organizers have coordinated the OMSA free transport to go to watch the show, as well as facilities for attendees throughout the show area.
The Caribbean Air Show 2011 is sponsored by Presidente Beer as main sponsor and Airports Department, the Dominican Civil Aviation Institute (IDAC), Orange, Aerodom, Punta Cana International Airport, Ministry of Public Works Ministry of Tourism, Chevron Texaco, Kola Real, Refidomsa, Petrolium Group Martí, Plaza Lama, Hotel Meliá Santo Domingo, Central Romana Corporation, Casa de Campo, Cardnet, Serviport, Insurance Banreservas, OMSA, the Civil Aviation Board, Specializing in Airport Security Corps (CESA), Aeropuerto del Cibao Airport, La Romana, El Sendero del Cacao, Color Vision, Traveling Caribbean Network (CTN), V8 Splash, Hyundai, Imca, Mercasid, 911, Viamar, Metro, and Cesa-Trans Caribbean.
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instructs the Ministry of Finance to apply 12% reduction in government spending. ARE EXCLUDED TO THE EXTENT THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, HIGHER EDUCATION AND PUBLIC HEALTH
Santo Domingo President Leonel Fernandez on Friday formalized by decree the reduction of 12 percent of the cost of government institutions, as announced in his address to the nation the past Thursday 17 of this month.
Fernández, Decree 186-11, directs the Ministry of Finance to apply this setting to the budgets of public institutions for this year 2011.
The government provision in paragraph one states that extent excluded from the budgetary allocations of the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology and the Ministry of Public Health.
also excepted transfers to subsidize social programs and all those institutions that have rates established by specific laws.
Article 2 of this decree states that "the Ministry of Finance through the Directorate General of Budget, shall establish the measures and criteria for the setting in reducing the budget allocation is applied to public institutions decentralized social security. "
turn, decentralized public institutions and safety must submit to the Ministry of Finance their budgets adjusted according to adjustment of spending measures until 30 April this year.
In Article 3, Decree 186-11 states that " Ministry of Finance shall submit to the President of the Republic National Budget 2011 with management willing adjustments in the government's austerity measures and the parameters of this decree "
On Thursday 17 President Fernandez said the nation by radio and television chain the execution of a set of austerity measures in order that the government could tackle the global crisis that has to do with the continuing increases in fuel and foods.
Other provisions were not to initiate new works this year as well as ITBIS eliminate exemptions and customs duty on government institutions.
also instructed the Ministry of Finance to automatically deduct all public institutions, autonomous and decentralized state, pay the electric bill CDEEE as a way to rationalize energy use.
explained that this is part of implementing austerity plan to address the rising prices of food and fuel prices affecting the Dominican population.
"In addition, I am instructed to be removed during a year, all exemptions ITBIS and customs duties to government institutions, both the autonomous and the decentralized, "said Fernández in his address to the nation.
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find dead man on the river Ozama
Man found dead on the east bank of the river Ozama.
SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic .- A man was found dead Friday with signs of violence on the east bank of the river Ozama in Villa Duarte, Santo Domingo.
The body has not been identified by authorities, for lack of documents, carried a note in his pocket that said "take women for others".
By lifting the body, the medical examiner Lucy Alcantara said the man was between 30 to 40 years and that his death was caused by mechanical asphyxia by strangulation.
The victim was found around 7:30 am by the Fire Department in Santo Domingo.
The man was wearing blue jeans trousers with a white shirt in his right hand and wearing a gold bracelet.
The site is presented dozens of onlookers to realize what happened and members of the Police and the Forensic Science for evidence that could spoil the perpetrator.
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Bayaguana IAD threat to remove smallholders in land and giving to the rich
smallholders (file)
Bayaguana, Dominican Republic .- parceleros Association of New Hope Bayaguana reported Friday that the Dominican Agrarian Institute (IAD ) intends to vacate its premises at 90 producers to allocate that land to a landowner in the area.
Ponciano, president of the organization, explained that the smallholders settled in the Pantanal for 30 years, are harassed by the legal adviser of the IAD, in order to leave the land.
The parcelero showed the title and said the officer commits an abuse of working people.
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Aircraft morning show doing a demonstration aircraft arrive
exactly at 11am, was rehearsing a plane which will be shown on Saturday and Sunday on the boardwalk, this plane completely stopped the work because people of all institutions in the area came to see the exhibition.
The Caribbean Air Show 2011, the largest international show aircraft acrobatics and civil and military aircraft never before seen in the country, will be unveiled to mark the first centenary of the birth of aviation in the Dominican Republic.
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