Sunday, March 27, 2011

Untucked Shirt With A Tie


A day to remember and miss the great Stanislaw Lem (1921-2006) the creator of Solaris and the father of cosmonaut Ijon Tichy, eccentric that could become embroiled in hilarious dialogues with different versions of himself that create temporal paradoxes in his travels to the stars. Yesterday, during this year celebrates the 90th anniversary of the birth of the great reformer of science fiction, literature festival devoted three acts KOSMOPOLIS the dubbed Operation Lem: a panel discussion on the Polish writer, a conference on his work and the screening of the film based on his books that the author valued most: Yarrow (Przekladaniec, 1968), Andrzej Wajda.

In fact, as explained just before the pass Wojciech Orlinski, author of a study on the writer, Lem disliked most films on their books. Interestingly, most anger was held gave Andrei Tarkovsy version of Solaris, 1972. "I hated it, found it pathetic, saying that his ironic solemnity betrayed the original spirit." Well, since then the Soderbergh version 2002 with George Clooney ... "Well, he preferred to that of Tarkovsky, he believed that at least kept the sexual tension between the protagonist and his dead wife twice."

Yarrow The film is a rally driver who suffers an accident and is rebuilt with pieces of his dead brother, a woman and a dog, causing the natural complications but also the administrative hassles and paradoxes therefore of interest to Lem. As if it were an argument of the author's own research, the actor starred in the film died in a car accident. Orlinski
agree that the best novel by Lem probably hay fever. He met Lem. He says he was a gentleman from another century (past). "He turned pessimistic with age and believed that mankind is sworn to suicide with progress. "His obsession with death, remember, it came from his hair survival under Nazi occupation." He did not like that they considered science fiction author. He believed that gender failed to predict the future, which summed up the title of his latest novel, Fiasco. "

Xbox360 Ps3 Controller

"VOTE FOR PPK and turn ON THE PRAIRIE? (An article by César Hildebrandt) PAUL McCARTNEY

Unlike progressive thinking (which feeds the solidarity movement, PJ and popular in this part of the world) believe that creating wealth above the existing. The opposite is pure deception. Metaphysics. Palmistry.
governance is achieved by restoring rights and freedoms, generating competitiveness and legal stability, but substantially, generating wealth and redistributing it with maximum efficiency to meet as many needs.
At this point, it is absurd, and even self-destructive thought otherwise: there is no developed country in the world that does not have a strong state, efficient, ubiquitous, planner, there is no developed country do not bet by the market, by regulation (financial, monetary, public goods and services, environmental) for social welfare and the right to development. That is, given the poverty does not go.
Justicialism claims do not give up.
popular discourse may have euphony, ie it may be pleasing to the ear with a set of proclamations for world's poor and with a battery of curses and diatribes against, by eg surplus, capitalism, exploitation and unhappiness. impacting step demonstrations and legitimate constructs as capitalization, productivity, competitiveness and sustainable development.
Because you can not live all the time smoking opium outdated ideology (with its slogans and revolutionary euphoria), we, too, after reading the article Hilderandt Caesar, which exists in Peru is a great spirit reactionary left. .
And whatever the outcome of the Peruvian electoral process, the next President is in the national obligation to prop up a steady state, a state planner, civil service bureaucrats to truth, to increase the possibilities of doing business, saving, investing, consuming, and above all a social setting conducive , which promotes human development, creating more and better educational opportunities, cultural, leisure, better health services, recreation, transportation, housing and sanitation.
The policy that we live in the country, for better or for worse, is emotional, rough, media, folk. And not based on ideology, or militancy, or party organizations and no public discussion spaces (not talking about pens where people insult to rage) corresponds to practice in the media, from the Academy, from the state and political teaching professions.
We consider that neither Alejandro Toledo, and Keiko Fujimori, and Ollanta Humala, and Luis Castillo and Pedro Pablo Kuzscinski are Víctor Raúl Haya de la Torre and Fernando Belaunde Terry and Luis Bedoya Reyes and Valentin Paniagua Corazao.
Then, as Rousseau would say, "the worst way to remove the fear of children is instilling more fear." César Hildebrandt We believe that it is doing.
We must also be clear that PPK is a lobbyist among all professions, occupations and grades shown and recognized. And, in becoming President of the Republic, will have to postpone or delay their ties or business interests in favor of national interests. Otherwise, the defense mechanisms of the Constitutional the trial of the president, the presidential vacancy, internal control and accountability would be activated. And this should occur relentlessly.
PPK Is voting aggiornamiento favor the Shining Path? How to know. In any case, nothing can prove otherwise, nor with the remaining candidates is the same.
Or Does Hildebrandt suggested that a possible government of Humala would be immune to hiking?
Oscar Contreras Morales .-

By César Hildebrandt.

If you want, how they wanted the Marxists, sharpen the contradictions of Peru and tighten their conflict to the outskirts of the drama, is consistent: vote by the American PPK.
This will ensure that the ILO Convention 169 is mocked, the Camisea gas is not sold to the Peruvians, but the Mexicans and Chileans (because that employers should PPK), which remains of Peru is finished (including drinking water and the North Pier) and, finally, we become, against Washington, in an even more bent than the rampant Alvaro Uribe.
PPK is not a Peruvian. That is fine. Nor was Henry Ford. Or Teddy Roosevelt. But neither Ford nor Roosevelt run for president of Peru.
PPK is a rogue lobbyist, a ruthless businessman who plays the winner and has already obtained enough mixing promiscuously from their positions of minister and adviser to various schemes and many foreign companies, public and private.
Moreover, I do not know whether PPK is a truly American. What I do know is which is a cosmopolitan ticket. If tomorrow would war between the U.S. and China, PPK take refuge in the headquarters of the World Bank. Or in some Central Guariquén IMF or the Polish consulate in New York. Because PPK is not Uncle Sam. Papa Johns is!
And I need not say how much would it take to take refuge in the United States Embassy in Lima if Peru would conflict with a neighboring country.
is not forbidden to be an international omnivorous piranha. What is bad taste is that someone who does not believe but the money will come to speak of government policies and social justice.
Boys Class A / B is that it has been believed. Is that so anarchists, so nihilistic, so as metalheads that computer and do not mind being a voracious alien disguised as a flutist's rule. Overall, if many of their parents knelt before a Japanese citizen, why not PPK? Overall, if Peru is still a mine, a parcel, a whorehouse, one denounced, by cutting down a forest and mountains of gold that give the outsider, is not consistent expatriate vote for a wildly successful with more than one passport? Is not the Man Without Qualities PPK moral hero films made and television paradigm? Is not is cool to be a Michael Douglas in Wall Street?
The problem is that a hypothetical choice of PPK us back to that right pradista that incubated the violent 60's, the leftist coup of 70, the madness of the 80 hikers.
is not the first time the world knows a period of prosperity. Between 1950 and 1975 were, in general a high growth rate. And Peru was not immune to this cycle. The issue is that quarter of a century was used to build the foundations of a modern state and a less balanced.
Today we feel the same.
Prosperity has passed as a fireball in front of the noses of millions of Peruvians.
During this second administration corrupt Garcia For example, the following has occurred:
1. 1. The share of wages in gross domestic product fell from 23.1% in 2006 to 20.9% in 2010.
2. 2. The per capita income-the asshole-grew 24.4%, but real wages fell 6%.
Félix Jiménez reminded us that 77% of the economically active population is in services and trade with an average rate of 650 soles salaries and very low productivity. And we have stressed that between 2006 and 2010, while García Cornejo and filled his pockets a second time, left the country, as foreign investment income 37,000 (trentisiete thousand) million dollars. And how much came of external resources in the same period? For ten billion dollars less than what was.
to persuade Finally, Jiménez educational uses this comparison: in 2010 left the country, as foreign capital gains, 8,900 (eight in 1900) million dollars or 25 billion soles, upper income Annual all the poor of Peru, which peaked at 21 billion suns.
Garcia says we grow. The problem is how. During the regime to end this July, real exports have increased 3.8% per year. Imports in contrast, have grown at an annual rate of 16.6% "Not that we are an export-oriented virtual power? No. Not so.
time ago, invited by the Catholic University, came the American economist Dani Rodrik, Harvard associate professor of school by John Kennedy. Rodrick took care to remind us that there is no true and sustained growth - ie development, but surely there is a process of productivity growth, domestic demand growth and industrialization.
That is what terrifies the Neanderthal of liberalism that have dominated the Peruvian political agenda: coordination between state and private and, in some cases, yes, not horrified: planning. As in South Korea or Singapore.
But it is not possible to conclude whether the national capital is becoming less significant. In 1950 foreign capital represented in Peru, as a percentage of GDP generation, 10 percent. In 1968, when the military stormed the scene nasceríais, and was 22%. After Fujimori in 2000, that figure reached 29%. And in 2007, with Garcia in the fullness of its policy, reached 34.5% of foreign capital to GDP.
why - and many other things, is that in all the surveys on the subject of the economic situation more than 70 percent of the respondents (73.9% in the most recent) requests that the model changes. That's what the conservative press is silent and its phalanx of accompanying voices.
A widespread unrest in Peru. That silenced the press does not mean that there is. That unease has to do with inequalities, with the blindness of the political class, with exclusions, with the corruption with impunity. There is a great feast, but there are millions who look, angry, behind a fence.
If you do not want one but several Bagua, a dry prairie grass and a spark in VRAE, a discontent that radicalize the protests and make the country ungovernable, no doubt, vote for PPK. If you want another April 5, vote for who will not live in a democracy. And if you're thinking of those who need a PPK that ignite the prairie to justify a new dictatorship, then I congratulate you: it goes in the right direction.
And if I was Abimael Guzmán I would be rubbing their hands.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Taxwhat To Write Inwedding Cards


was confirmed the presentation of former Beatle Paul McCartney in Lima, on Monday May 9, 2011, at 21:00.
apostolic If we could even say, after the May 9 ... "dwelt among us ...".
It will be fun to show the UP AND COMING TOUR. Its duration is approximately 2 hours 50 minutes. Paul is in enviable physical condition (think it's an elderly man with a physical solvent, own musical voice and a boy of 22). In addition, the audio fidelity, the visual, pyrotechnics and the backing band are an order pluscuanperfecto. Would have to take it for granted.
can also say that having a Beatle in Lima is by now a blessing.
Y is-somehow-an indicator of economic emergency after thirty years of "apocalyptic plagues" (terrorism, hyperinflation, state terrorism, drug trafficking, economic shock, corruption, a phenomenon of child), so it is justice that Peru is distracted, softening and reinvented the show with Sir Paul McCartney: a true hero of rock n roll.
Something good is happening in the country, not everything can be wrong.
Long live Paul McCartney!
Oscar Contreras Morales .-

Paul McCartney: Being a survivor is a privilege (Diario El Mercurio, Chile)

The former Beatle played last night in Buenos Aires, as part of the Up and Coming tour, which this time did not stop in Santiago. In a deep and sincere dialogue, reminiscent of John Lennon McCartney talks about the separation of his group, his relationship with Yoko Ono and demystifies legends, such as why he was barefoot on the album "Abbey Road."
Sebastian Ramos La Nacion of Buenos Aires Being a Beatle, be granted not one but four titles. One sixties: "The Beatles made many changes to improve the world." Another debunker and beatlemaniacs tone: "When we went to take pictures for the cover of 'Abbey Road', I just took the shoes and crossed the street with the rest. "Perhaps a sensational and out of context:" I have no relationship with Yoko. "And the last one, dedicated to his friend and fellow society more intense and creative pop music 50 years: "Having your hand to a person like John will probably happen only once in a lifetime". With them always the case. Each one chooses the Beatle they want. Here also you can keep the one you like Paul.

"Hi, Paul", greet, and start running the strict 20 minutes of talk.

-The list of topics of these concerts is a major retrospective of his career, how do you see yourself when you look back?
"Like if I look in a mirror I do not know, somehow I feel like a lucky boy. If I look back, I see the boy Paul, growing up in World War II, which was a very interesting time, then we are The Beatles, which meant a release time, where not only us but a lot of things were changing. There was a lot more freedom for young people and that's where we could develop a talent that allowed us to make great music. I can say now, after much time has passed, because at that time would have been very proud. Now, as we did has lasted so long and been so successful, I think I can say I was very fortunate to have been a quarter of that. "

- In the decade of 60, a generation of musicians set out to change the world with his art, what is the meaning of pop music these days?
"In the 60's, people began to realize how things could be done in the world and in music. I think The Beatles made many changes to improve the world. At that time people woke up, realized he was free, I had a kind voice. And now I find many people who comes and tells me that in one way or another, changed his life, the music that we were led to believe they could do something important. Until then it was like people had things set by their parents, school or tradition, it was like having a set path. That was very important and when you look at pop music these days, many people find that keeping up with Bob Geldof, Bono, U2, Coldplay. There are many people doing very good work on behalf of good causes. And then there's the other side, that music is just entertainment, fun, just to make people dance, to a party, and rightly so. "

- In which direction creative process changed in recent years?
"Everything changes, you learn and try different things. What I do now is different and, in the first place, you have to remember that in early times was John. Most of the things we did were collaborations and that made a particular style. Even when we worked apart, we did things in the same style. Since then, I try not to do the same all the time and then my approach to composition has changed. Although I think that fortunately I keep writing good songs ".

The survivor
usually McCartney as head a phrase he wrote long ago:" Take a sad song and make it better. "For it is not surprising that three-hour concert is a constant celebration, even remember their loved ones are gone, like John, George Harrison and his first wife and partner in the group Wings, Linda Eastman.

- Was it difficult being the survivor, the man should always have the legend?
"I must tell you that for me it was a great time, really enjoyed it. There were about children in Liverpool when we formed the band and started doing something, then did something really special and, later, it was crazy world. Then I Wings, who was also very good, and now I do things alone and feel so very special. I play songs by The Beatles because I love people remember and love them. Being a survivor of everything that is a privilege. "

- this year Lennon reminded twice: 70 years of his birth and 30 death ... What was the most influential left him?
"I remember with great love. A special day to always remember is when we met and started working together. I think the biggest influence is the way we wrote together. We managed to happen something special. Before crossing, we worked individually, but it was something small and when we meet, just that we did was great. I think we both have influenced each other. Write together it became very easy, very simple. I had an idea, he had an idea and another and another, was a kind ping-pong of ideas and at the end of the session, we had a new song. The musical influence was probably the most important. While I worked with creative people, I think having a person beside you and John will probably happen only once in a lifetime ".

The Beatle
- In April marked 40 years of separation from The Beatles, How do you remember that time? Do you still think it was the best decision?
"It was hard for everyone, because we had been together a long time. For the first time, we had great trouble conduct business. We did not have to think about these things because Brian Epstein took over, but when he died we had to get down to thinking about it. That was when Apple opened as from the United States Allen Klein came, things got so difficult that it was impossible to continue. When I think about it, I realize that somehow had to happen and had to end at that time. Indeed, the end was difficult, so I try to focus on the big things we had done before. "

- What does it mean to you now close his concerts with a song like" Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band "?
"It's very rewarding to play songs I wrote many years ago, because it brings me back memory. Then, every time I play, I think the day we recorded that song. With The Beatles only played it once when we recorded it. That would have been the end of the song because I never would have played again, but with the current band the rescue and is good to keep the song alive. It also works very well, I think, at the end of a show because it was written to be the end of a show. I think it's a good finish and very enjoyable for both the public and the band. This is a very liberating. "

- I can do a couple more questions, but as a fan of The Beatles?

- Why is barefoot on the cover of the band's latest album, "Abbey Road"?
"It was hot and was working in sandals, in the study. When we went to take pictures for the album cover, I just pulled out and crossed the street with the rest, but barefoot. No one died, There was no funeral as a legend. "

- Have you ever thought of recording something together with Yoko Ono?
"No, we do not have a musical relationship. I see often, we send Christmas cards and gifts for birthdays. We have a good relationship, but not music."

- Thinking of Charles Manson, Mark Chapman and all that extra musical about the Beatles, why do you think happened? Was the confusion of the time or what the Beatles represented at that time?
"I think it was drugs. A lot of people take drugs, and some, like the ones you mention, went crazy. "

- And what do they represent the Beatles today?
" I think, at some point, they still represent the freedom, good music, and increasingly and the more we become legend. But the main thing is that they still represent the enjoyment of life. "

Chilean pesos to $ 1,200,000 per ticket
The expectations aroused both Paul McCartney concert in Buenos Aires, yesterday and today was that the tickets sold out quickly. Yesterday, early, long lines were assembled achieve a good location in a show that would be opened by the former vocalist for Los Piojos, Andrés Ciro Martínez.
There were resellers offering tickets for up to 10 Argentine pesos, ie, over $ 1,200,000 in Chilean currency.
Argentines surrendered at his feet. A Paul McCartney in glory and majesty returned last night to the capital of Argentina, who had received his last visit in 1993. River Plate stadium was completely full: 45 thousand fans had made a long queue to wait for their idol. Several wore celestial globes and signs with greetings for the artist. Among the varied groups, which included several women over 40 and entire families, distinguished celebrities like Charly Garcia, who was cheered when he made his entry into the stadium.
teloneo After a half hour acoustic Andrew Cyrus, lead singer of the band Los Piojos, McCartney appeared on stage on time at 21:00 hours with a powerful mix of "Venus and Mars", "Rock Show" and "Jets." Earlier, Argentine public greeted with "Hello, Buenos Aires!". Attempted to communicate in English with the public during the three hour concert.
showing his versatility on stage, the British musician started with his classic low, but touched several instruments throughout the evening. The repertoire of his show focused mainly on his time in Wings, but as expected, included several items of all Beatles and solo career. A couple of songs were dedicated to his late friend and fellow Beatles John Lennon and George Harrison.
This is the first of two concerts that the musician would in Argentina as part of his tour Up and coming. The other would be made today in the same stadium, and tickets had all sold, despite the high prices that were up to 6 000 Argentine pesos, something like $ 720 000 Chileans.
And though long ago rumors that the musician could play 68 years in Chile in 2011, so far nothing is confirmed. What is known is that this is not a farewell tour, as he himself was responsible for making it clear to the media did not think trasandinos retire from the stage yet.