Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Honda Ridgeline Back Up Camera

cakes apple cake spinach pancakes integral

Photo: Mercedes Monti
I spent a week with the broken computer and I'm still some problems, but at least today I upload this picture and share the recipe for this delicious apple pie prepared over the weekend. Mass

140 grs. flour thin integral
100 grs. 0000
flour 125 grs.
brown sugar 1 tsp.
cinnamon 60 grams.
chopped walnuts 140 grams.

butter 1 egg 1 tsp.
baking powder 1 pinch of salt Filling

4 blocks
2 tablespoons brown sugar 2 tablespoons water

Beat sugar and butter to white. Add the egg at room temperature. After the meal, previously screened with the baking powder, salt and cinnamon. Finally, nuts. Wrap in plastic wrap and put into refrigerator for one hour.

Meanwhile, make filling. Peel apples and cut into squares of two inches or so. Put in a saucepan along with water and sugar. Simmer until tender.

Once the dough is rested, divide it into two and on the floured counter stretching each disc-shaped parts. Cover with one based on a mold of 20 cm. in diameter. Fill with the apples and cover with another disc of dough. Click a little and place in the oven until crust is golden brown.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Gratis Brent Corrigan Filme

Photos: Mercedes Monti
These days when I have the head covered with thoughts crossed me want to get into the kitchen and do mechanical work such as cooking pancakes one after the other without thinking rather than to fill the bucket and spread the batter into the pan.
A stack of pancakes is not to do in times of trouble and anxiety, but to take a little time, prepare the dough, let it rest and then plunge into the task of cooking without departing from the stove because they are made in one minute and the next minute burn.
mass removal from Petrona Book, but I added an egg again, and the filling is a cannelloni recipe book Cooking Pia Fendrik Argentina, published by V & R Publishing, and instead four cheese sauce the bath with another a little less heavy.

For 18 pancakes about 3 eggs ½ pint of milk

220 grs.

flour Mix everything with a wire whisk and let stand in refrigerator for one hour. Cook pancakes in a hot nonstick skillet. With the help of a ladle pour some batter into the pan and spreading it in circles with the belly of the bucket.

filling for 12 pancakes :
500 grs. cooked spinach, drained and chopped
250 grs.
ricotta grated Parmesan cheese 1 medium onion
thin and sauteed in a little butter
Salt, pepper and nutmeg, to taste

Mix all ingredients and place a spoonful of filling on each pancake. Rolled up or folded like a handkerchief tucked into a baking dish. Ideally, falling well together, half tight. Salsa

150 grs.
cream cheese 150 ml.
cream herbs, such as chives or thyme, to taste
Grated Parmesan cheese to sprinkle on top

Heat in a small pot of cream with cream cheese and herbs sauce until smooth. Dump it on the source with the pancakes and finish with cheese. Bake in preheated oven over high heat until well browned.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

What To Say In A Bacholarette Cards

Diary of a foodie

information on the Internet for a note I got to the site of Gourmet magazine , where I found the three seasons of the show Diary of a foodie.
Each episode lasts 20 minutes and explores in an entertaining, lucid and full of color, various themes of world cuisine, ranging from the slow food, green cuisine, bread, water, kitchen or smuggled, to programs dedicated to the food culture of a specific country. This link
can find them all the chapter of the three seasons that unfortunately only in English.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Super Glue Stainless Steel

The fork in Pots

last month I was called Tigris magazine to ask if I wanted to be part of a note on kitchens of chefs who would come in the November issue. Gladly gave my resounding yes immediately, because it is an honor that they thought of me, and I have also put together a great chefs like Juliana López May, Rodrigo Toso, and specialist in the art of hospitality, Rose Galfione .

From here take the opportunity to please the whole team of Tigris, including the director of the magazine, Rosario Lanusse, and producer Ana Inés Gil. Les

pass the link to the pdf. of the note.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Free Easy Hanjie Puzzles

Tigris crème caramel taste Key lime pie

Photos: Mercedes Monti
other dessert creamy base of buds. What happened was that I clearly left over from the key lime pie I tried to make macarons. But as it is a very detailed recipe based on clear, that takes some practice, it was enough with this first test and had to keep trying over and over again, which left me with many buds waiting.

What to do with them before they spoil? I diecidí by pots of crème, a French dessert that I met through the plain of the posts Cannelle et vanille and La tartine gourmande . You can make thousands of flavors -Chocolate, vanilla, Earl Grey, but to me the ones I like are the candy.

The recipe is very simple. The secret is once again in the cooking water bath to be very slow. This prevents the preparation boil in the oven and thus forming such balloons which, when displayed, break the charm of this creamy smooth and delicious, unlike the flan, barely holding its own.

4 egg yolks ½ cup brown sugar
1 and ½ cups milk ½ cup

Preheat oven to low heat. In a pan with high walls to accommodate four cups, pans soufflé, or other small container that can be carried to the furnace.

Mix the egg yolks in a bowl with two tablespoons of sugar.

Boil the milk with the cream and at the same time, in a saucepan, place the remaining sugar and make candy. When ready, carefully, pour over the boiling milk.

Stir well, until the caramel is completely dissolved in the milk and pour over the yolks, whisking constantly. Once everything is integrated stirring constantly, since the idea is to form the least amount of bubbles.

Place the preparation in the molds. If you have foam on the surface, remove with a spoon and discard. Fill pan with boiling water to 2 / 3 of the molds. Cover everything with aluminum foil and put two holes so steam can escape.

Bake for about an hour, but depends on the oven. Should be firm but center still have to move like a jelly. Cool

well in the refrigerator before eating.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Is Depression A Rotc Disqualifier?

Photo: Mercedes Monti
time ago a reader asked me a recipe for key lime pie. I had already posted a frozen version , but this has happened to them now is more traditional, and I think it is closer to what this reader was looking for.

This is a terribly greedy citrus cake. Bring two cans of condensed milk whole balance their sweetness with the lime juice, and that when cooking the yolks curdle achieve a texture just firm, dense and creamy. An ideal snack for those who belong to the side of those who prefer yogurts hose connections. "

2 cans of condensed milk (790 gr.)

4 egg yolks 180 ml.
lime juice Zest of one lime

2 packages (300 gr.) vocation or other cookie vanilla wafers
100 grs. Water
butter, as needed

For decoration, a bit of meringue or whipped cream cookies

Process until they are completely crushed. Mix with melted butter and add a little water to make it a granulate that is coupled to hand pressure. Lining with this

edges and the base of a 20 cm springform pan. in diameter. Bake for 10 minutes and let cool.

For the filling, mix condensed milk with the yolks, lemon juice and lime zest. Pour over biscuit base and bake on low for 15 or 20 minutes, until just firm. There must be gold.

Monday, November 1, 2010

What Can Cause Red Dry Cheeks On A Baby

Photos: Mercedes Monti
Over time I was cooking quite so undecided this weekend. Generally Saturday morning I read the paper, and then I go to the shelves of the kitchen where I keep the recipe books and magazines, which more and more. I buy them compulsively and still counting.

Not well at every one of them flipped through many times, do not give a coarse to cook it! Luckily I remember more or less what is each one, and then after seeing what I have in the fridge do a bit of memory and look for a recipe that I left out with those ingredients.

In this case I had avocado, which is weird because I like so much that do not last long in my refrigerator. The salad as the first two days after the order reaches the grocery store.

But there they were on Saturday still in its perfection, creamy but still no black coup. A delight for the palate and eye. Then I remembered I had seen an avocado soup in one of my latest acquisitions, Miss Dahl's book voluptuous delights of Sophie Dahl, who besides being a model, writer and host of a cooking show is the granddaughter of Roald Dahl, British writer of children's books, author of such famous titles as or Matilda Charlie and the Chocolate Factory .

But back to the plate, anything else is to put all ingredients in blender or the processor and push the button. Then, in the refrigerator to be cold at lunchtime.

If there are no natural yogurt, or hard to get, can replace cream cheese, which is also very good. But in this case can reduce the amount slightly. Depends on each cheese. It is best to start with two tablespoons charged, and if necessary, add more.

To 2 0 3 servings: 2 avocados

1 apple 1 cup plain yogurt Juice of ½ lime

2 cups vegetable stock Salt to taste

parsley or cilantro for garnish

Wash, peel and avocado cut into squares and apple.
Put this together with the rest of the ingredients in a blender or food processor.
Blend until a smooth cream. Carry
the refrigerator until very cold.
Serve with a little parsley or cilantro.